The following post was made for the fall 2012 semester, but the info is just as relevant for spring 2013. The add deadline was August 31st for full-term fall classes, and if you had a hard time getting the classes you needed, you’re not alone. Many students found it difficult to crash classes this semester. Due to California budget issues, we had to cut courses. Because of the economy, more people are going back to school. Fewer classes being offered and more people needing to take them means that it’s challenging to find classes – and given that reality -- you may not be able to get into school this semester. However, you can still be productive.
New students:
- Contact First Year Services in Oct. or Nov. for spring semester (L-206 619-388-3998)
- Assessment test
- New student orientation and online new student orientation
- Financial aid referral
- Career and educational guidance
- Peer mentoring
If you’re new to college, check into First Year Services to see if you can receive counseling and support for next semester. They can help you sign up for an assessment test and new student orientation, part of the matriculation process that gives students a better registration priority. Career planning, educational guidance, referral to financial aid, and peer mentoring are part of the comprehensive services available to many first-time students. This will prepare you for next semester.